Sunday, December 17, 2023


 Hello everyone!

I am here again to introduce you to a completely new way of teaching! Well, when our teacher introduced us to this way of teaching, I had never heard of it before. However, when I looked up to the internet, I saw it is actually really common. Therefore, maybe it is not completely new for you. I would like to share my experience of using this way of teaching with you. 

Our topic is flipped classrooms. In my Current Issues course, we work on different tools with my friends as you know. Flipped classroom in brief, is an approach which carry class lecturing to home. As the name suggests, you literally flip your way of teaching. As the teacher, you record yourself or use a video that teaches your students the intended topic. Your students watch the video and when they come to class, they practice what they have learned. 

The advantage of this approach,  it leaves enough space to class work. Thus, more activities can be done in the classroom. Also, students who are absent in the class will not fall behind. Additionally, one of the advantages for teachers is that they can reuse the content they have created.

As a disadvantage, not every student may have the necessary technological devices and a good internet connection at home. If even one person in the classroom does not have the necessary technology, the teacher should not perform this practice.

We learned and experienced this useful approach by preparing our own flipped grammar teaching classroom. On account of my experience, we have been given an assignment and wanted to prepare a video that teaches a grammar topic. I and my friend Sude Özer chose "quantifiers". Click HERE to access our video. By the way, I am the person speaking in the first half of the video. We really tried our best to prepare this video. Therefore, I hope you all like it. Please leave your comments below, in the comment section. 

We have used Pawtoon to prepare our video. It wasn't easy to do, but it wasn't too difficult either. I didn't know that my time was limited, and then I got scared when I saw that there was a limit. Afterwards, we designed two different videos. It also didn't let me download the videos. Therefore, I uploaded the videos to YouTube and downloaded them from there. Then we combined the two videos. Of course, these happened because we did not purchase premium. Also, we prepared the video first and thought of recording audio when it was finished. However, this made it very difficult for us. Because sometimes the video continued to progress and the part we needed to explain was not finished yet. That's why I had to extend some parts of the video later. This caused us to lose a lot of time.

I also put a table at the end of the video and prepared this table from Canva. I can also say that it took a long time to prepare this video. But I think it was a good experience to do this as a teacher candidate.

Hey hey hey, we're not done yet. In adition to our video, we prepared two quizzes. 'Wordwall' helped us a lot with its fun and simple game templates. 

                                                          Fotoğraf açıklaması yok.


Our first quiz is about countable and uncountable words. In this way, students will have made preliminary preparations for the topic we will teach. Here is our first quiz. The second quiz is about quantifiers. That is the main topic we explain to our students. This is the second quiz.

For today, that is all from me my dear followers. See you in my next post. Love you all!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Corpus-based material experience !!

Hello to all of you! I hope everything is good with you! I haven't posted anything on my blog in a while, and I really missed this. We took a class this year called "Current Issues in ELT," and one of the assignments we had to finish was "creating a corpus-based teaching material”. I completed this task with my friend Sude Özer. 


Before beginning, I want to explain some terms related to the task. The first one is data-driven learning. This approach assumes that language is data and the students are the ones who act as a researcher to discover and understand it. For our handout, we chose Skell corpus. We chose a grammar subject which is the difference between ‘have to', and 'must'. Before I go into more detail, you can look at the worksheet at the bottom of the page.

The handout (which I provided below) consists of four parts. In the first part, we test our students' current knowledge by giving them a fill in blanks activity. Students will be able to understand their deficiencies after completing this task, which will motivate them to concentrate on it when doing the subsequent exercises.

In the second part, we wanted our students to go to the corpora website called Skell and instructed them to write must’ and then have to respectively in the search bar. Students will look at the examples and analyze them. The second exercise encourages students to use a corpus website, where they can view realistic examples of the targeted real-life usage. Afterwards, we asked our students to write down the sentences they found and liked. 

In the third part, we gave a table again and asked our students to write the differences between have to and must. We also asked them to do this part with their peers and discuss it. In the fourth part, we gave the students the fill in blank activity again and asked them to practice. In the second activity, they had to use their own words to make sentences with the words they learned. Thus, we made sure that our students learned the subject thoroughly.

In my opinion, students will love this activity because they will learn by researching on their own. However, one of the problems that teachers may encounter while doing this activity may be technological inadequacy. Because not every student may have a digital device. Also, if the school does not have the necessary equipment, this activity may be impossible. 


Here is the link of our project 

It was all for today's post. Thank you for reading.

Time to Say Goodbye

As you know, I was using this blog to explain the projects we did in the Current Issues course I took this term. And now that we've come...