Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Time To Say Goodbye

 Hello my dear fellows,

Time has come, it is the time to say goodbye.

Thanks to this, blog I learned how to be a 21st century teacher. As a student and future teacher I improved my technology skills. Now, I can use technology to educate my students. With using technology I can make my classes enjoyable for myself and for my students.

Before taking this course, I knew that technology is very important in education. but with the work we did in this course and the tools I learned, I understood it even better. Technology is developing very fast and future students will be born into this technology. Therefore, as the teacher of the future, I must learn these tools in the best way and use them for my students. Thus, I think that my lessons will be both more fun and more effective.If you remember, I've told you that I open this blog for my Educational Technologies class. I'll be honest. I was anxious about this course and it's requirements. I could not imagine creating a blog. However, now I am proud of my blog and my content.

In this course we made a lot of things. I liked Educational Technologies class because we did something different from other classes that I have. 

I loved creating Padlet. I think I definitely use this with my future students. Also I really enjoyed making podcasts. My students can hear their pronunciation and correct themselves. Storytelling was really hard for me but actually I enjoyed it too. 

Lastly, but more importantly, I want to say good-bye to all of you! Because this is final my post and my course will finish this week. I loved being here with you. I really want to thank to you for accompanying me in this period. 

Take care of yourself!


Monday, January 9, 2023


 Hi everyone!

Today I am going to talk about digital storytelling. First of all, I want to talk about what digital storytelling is. We can define digital story as a combination of videos, photographs with the music and sounds. Basically, you tell your story based on your topic, and photographs and videos are passing by as you are talking. There are different types of digital stories such as PSA (Public Service Announcement), fictional stories, HOW TO stories etc. 

                                                                   you can find this image here

When I first heard it from my teacher, I thought like, "It's a piece of cake for me,". However, at the end, I can tell you that wholeheartedly that it is not. Our teacher wanted us to try it. Me and Sude decided to try HOW TO story type. We thought about what we could do and decided to make a cake! Therefore we would both try something new and eat cake at the same time.

The most challenging part for me was editing the video. I struggled with it for hours, it was really tiring.

However, the result is satisfying for me. It is not that good but it was my first try. Let me show it to you:

It was all for today. Thank you for reading. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

I've Created My Own Movie Poster!

 Hello my dear fellows!

Today I am going to talk about an experience of mine which is really enjoyable for me. It's making a movie poster as you can understand from the title of the post. First of all, let me explain what a poster means. Poster is a temporary promotion of an idea, product, or an event. They can be used by advertisers (particularly of events, musicians, and films), propagandists, protestors, and other groups who trying to communicate a massage.

For Educational Technologies course, I create a poster about a book that is being made into a movie. I chose the book from Dostoyevsky's famous book "Crime and Punishment". When I read this book, I liked it very much. Also, I finished this book in only 2 days. Therefore, I decided to chose it.

Finally, here is my poster

                                                            you can find my poster here

Now, I want to talk about how I created my poster. I used Postermywall. The site is very easy to use and directs you.

It was all for today's post. Thank you for reading.

Time to Say Goodbye

As you know, I was using this blog to explain the projects we did in the Current Issues course I took this term. And now that we've come...